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How should I be charging my clients and how much?

Discussion in 'Residental Window Cleaning' started by Chris S., Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Chris S.

    Chris S. Member

    Jan 20, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Lately, I've been thinking if what I've been charging has been too much, too little, or just right. I wanted to gather opinions as to whether how I should be charging clients and how much I should be charging. It seems as though everyone has their own special way of doing things. Currently, I charge per pane of glass per side. I feel as though this is not as effective than charging by the hour but it does have it's perks. Over time, I've gotten faster at cleaning, which means less time of cleaning but still having the same rate we agreed on for each window. But, sometimes there are just obstacles and difficult windows to clean, which in case takes longer to clean, making me lose money this time.
    What are your opinions on charging? Should I continue to charge by each window or start charging by the hour? Which do you think is more efficient? Any help and advice would be awesome.

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