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What do you do for referrals?

Discussion in 'Residental Window Cleaning' started by Chris S., Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Chris S.

    Chris S. Member

    Jan 20, 2014
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    With residential customers, I have always felt that if they want to refer me they will. Asking them is like asking for a compliment, seems out of place. I was curious to ask does anyone ask for referrals? What is your approach? What type of responses do you get from your approach? Do you find the response differs with high end customers compared to others? Any advice of this matter would be awesome, as I would like to get more referrals but I don't want to sound like I'm hurting for business by asking.
  2. Jeff Parks

    Jeff Parks Administrator Staff Member Administrator

    Dec 7, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    I see your point how it may seem like your asking for a compliment but if the customer acknowledge how happy they are with your work thats a great opportunity to leave them a few cards and ask if they don't mind passing them along to family, friends.
  3. SQcleaner

    SQcleaner Member

    May 8, 2015
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    Haa I remember first time I have encountered this problem, a while I didn't know what to do and seemed confused with it but there are pretty easy approaches to this and several of them, I like having them believe we have a ranking system in the company so they would basically pass along cards for this specific worker so he'd get a higher position but in reality it's just giving us some free promoting
  4. SpicAndSpanShawn

    SpicAndSpanShawn Member

    Feb 1, 2015
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    Just a friendly attitude is all you need really, after that feel free to just ask them to share your business, it worked out for me since everyone here likes me because of the positive attitude

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